Blues Theory

February 24, 2016 @ 3:12 am

theory of bluesIn the same way we do with music in Module 1, we will work theories using blues music. The first two examples are repeated. The next theory is an adaptation of a theory we already know: the study of scales and chords.

This theory is a variation of a well known theory, but this time from top to bottom in learning musical notes and its relation to the formation of chords. Putting these theories into practice looks like this:

We are now using the ideas horizontal blues music.

This next exercise is also an adaptation of a practical training that we saw in Module 1. The next example will work the ropes 3:04 instead of strings 1 and 2 of the guitar.

We will put in practice these contents to see how it looks.

Okay, now that we have opened the way for creativity using blues music, we merge all these features. What I will do here is play the verses of blues music and vary slightly from the way they play, the way you trained in class 1. In between, I’ll put some techniques we have learned. The goal is to show how you should practice. For clarity, I will specify what content will be used to “play” and switch. First let’s start with the issue 12, this one.

Now let’s do the same with other business 10.

Just as I did here, you can choose the subjects you liked and be playing around them, using the nearest musical scale.

Before finalizing this topic, show some blues music ideas using the harmonic field. If you are unsure perform this technique, do not worry about these examples now, we have prepared a course of guitar playing that is geared exclusively to technical and performance, where you can learn these and other helpful resources.

Play these harmonic fields along with the music.

It is worth remembering that improvisation is a process of practice and use on guitar learning process. Choose the subjects you like best, decorate them well and use them in all shades and bases we offer. Set aside time, even if only 10 or 15 minutes to practice it every day. After exhausting training in backing tracks that we offer, we are ready to do the same workout over any other music, identifying its tone and practicing the same way. This way your brain will get used to spontaneously put matters considered in music, and soon your engine conditioning is so sharp that you will be able to create new issues on time, using the same music notes, but making variations and new combinations instantly.

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